Brazilian Butt Lift
Brazilian butt lifts – otherwise known as buttock/ butt augmentation and gluteoplasty – are cosmetic surgical procedures to lift, reshape, and contour the buttocks.
As people age, the effects of genetics, gravity, and poor diet can lead to buttocks that sag, are lumpy, overly flat, or generally aesthetically dissatisfying. A Brazilian butt lift at Clinic 360 in Toronto offers patients the chance to attain a bottom that is more youthful, round, and perky.

Synopsis of Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery
With a Brazilian Butt Lift, the buttocks are enlarged, shaped and enhanced by removing fat from one or more areas of the body through liposuction, and transferring it into the buttocks.
- Invasiveness 70%
- Pain Factor 80%
Average Cost
$11,500 ~ $15,500
Plus HST
Surgery Length
Alternative Names
6 – 8 weeks before resuming physical exercise
What is the Brazilian Butt Lift?
- Liposuction: Liposuction is a surgical procedure that helps shape and contour body areas by removing fat deposits. This is accomplished by inserting a thin, hollow stainless steel tube (known as a “cannula”) through an incision in the skin and using vacuum-suction to extricate the undesired fat. Generally, these are pockets of subcutaneous fat that do not respond to exercise or dieting. The main techniques of liposuction used for Brazilian butt lifts are Tumescent Liposuction and Manual Liposuction.
- Fat Transfer: Fat Transfer is a cosmetic procedure that encompasses a number of techniques involving the harvesting of fat from one area of the body using liposuction and moving it to another. This transplanted fat serves as a natural filler that can help bring a fuller, contoured, and youthful appearance to the areas in which it is deposited.
Let’s See
Brazilian Butt Lift Before & After Photos
Consultation at Clinic 360
Butt augmentations should be performed by a board-certified, experienced physician at a reputable plastic surgery firm such as Clinic 360 in Toronto. Ideal candidates for Brazilian butt lift are in overall good health, mentally sound, have realistic expectations for their cosmetic procedure, and are carrying excess pockets of fat to be transferred. If you are interested, you should visit Clinic 360 well in advance of your surgery for a complimentary consultation.
You will be informed of the benefits of a Brazilian butt lift, the potential risks, and be given pre- and post-operative care instructions. You will also be examined physically in order to see how much can actually be improved through butt augmentation, the cost of your procedure, and the most appropriate surgical technique to address your needs.
Lastly, during your consultation at Clinic 360, you should inform your surgeon of your entire medical history, allergies you have, any mediations or supplements you are currently taking, previous cosmetic surgical procedures, and whether or not you are a smoker. These factors can all influence and/ increase your risks of complication during or after your Brazilian butt lift surgery.
Travel Information
Are You From Out of Town?
How Is A Brazilian Butt Lift Performed?
While the tissue extracted from liposuction is quite fragile during removal, medical advances have increased the survival rate of adipose cells to 80 to 90 percent in the majority of techniques. This strategically repositioned fat will make your butt area appear more voluptuous, youthful, and exponentially sexier.
Thus, with a Brazilian butt lift you not only get perkier buttocks but also the added benefit of liposuction slimming down the areas surrounding it, most often producing an ideal hourglass figure.
Fat Transfer Benefits
This is because collagen injections and silicone implants are foreign agents that not only increase your risks of complications but also the body may either have an allergic reaction or reject them entirely.
Fat transfer procedures also tend to have more lasting results compared to dermal fillers, though some may be re-absorbed by the body within the first 3 months following your Brazilian butt lift operation. Also, not all extracted fat can be repurposed.
We Offer
Financing through Medicard®
Brazilian Butt Lift Risks
This is because the incisions made are extremely small (less than 1 mm) and are generally positioned and directed so that they leave minimal scarring.
Also, your surgeon will use a blunt cannula (hollow stainless steel tube) in conjunction with an internal syringe, thus reducing the possible harms that could occur with a sharper instrument such as a needle.
Brazilian Butt Lift FAQ
Why do people get a Brazilian butt lift?
Am I a good candidate for Brazilian butt lift?
Is Brazilian butt lift the same thing as a butt implant?
Where can I get a Brazilian butt lift?
How long does the surgery take?
Can I drive myself home?
What is recovery from Brazilian butt lift like?
When can I return to work?
Are there any risks associated with Brazilian butt lifts?
- Infection
- Hematoma (blood pockets under the skin)
- Asymmetry
- Overcorrection (too much fat removed or re-injected)
- Under-correction (too little fat removed or re-injected)
- Fat re-absorption
- Prolonged swelling
- Skin necrosis (death of skin)
- Fat necrosis (death of fat)
- Contour irregularities (lumpiness)
- Blood clots
- Nerve damage
Are there ways to minimize my chances of complications?
Can I keep smoking?
Will my Brazilian butt lift be covered by health insurance?
What are my options for payment?
What factors influence the cost of a Brazilian butt lift?
Surgery Recovery
Surgery Cost
The cost of a Brazilian butt lift is not covered by medical insurance, as it is an elective cosmetic procedure. Bazilian ut lift cost starts at $11,500 plus HST. Factors that can influence the cost include the amount of areas being treated with liposuction, how much fat is being removed and transferred, the length of surgery time, the experience of the surgeon, the facilities, etc. Remember, though, that is it is always better to go with a plastic surgery firm that has a good reputation and experienced surgeons—such as those at Clinic 360—as this can prevent complications and the need for revision down the road. During your consultation, one of our representatives will go over all costs associated with your Brazilian butt lift in further detail. If you are unable to pay for the entire procedure upfront, financing plans are available.
At Clinic 360, our patient consultants will provide you with honest answers and complete assessments to ensure that all your questions and concerns are properly addressed.
We are thrilled to provide efficient and convenient treatment options for our patients from out of town and abroad.
Alina Tsymbalarou